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Food sources that boost the immune system

 Food sources that boost the immune system

Food sources that boost the immune system

  Food sources that boost the immune system

  If the immunity of the body is low, then from time to time a person suffers from cold, flu, fever etc.  Vitamin C enhances the immunity of the body.  Nature has given us so many foods which are rich in Vitamin-C.  By including these easily available things in our diet, we can increase the immunity of the body.

  Citrus Fruits:

  Vitamin C is high in almost every citrus fruit.  Fruits like orange, citrus, grapes, amla, lemon, quince are rich in vitamin-C.  You can include any of these fruits in your diet according to your taste and season.  It is better to eat than to drink fruit juices, because eating fruits also provides fiber to the body, which makes the digestion process smooth and smooth.


  Capsicum is also known as bell pepper.  Like citrus fruits, capsicum also contains high levels of vitamin C.  Apart from vitamin C, it also contains beta carotene, which helps in keeping the skin and eyes healthy.

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  Broccoli is a super food.  Apart from vitamin C, it is rich in beta-carotene, zinc and selenium, which increase the body's immunity.  It contains anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients that provide relief from cold and flu.  It contains minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium, which strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.  The less you cook broccoli, the more nutrients it retains.


  Like broccoli, spinach is also rich in vitamin-C, beta-carotene, antioxidants and iron, which increases the body's immunity and gives the body the power to fight various infectious diseases.  Spinach is easily available in winter.  You can add it to salads, vegetables, soups.  Various dishes like paratha, muthia can also be prepared from it.

  ways to strengthen the immune system

style="text-align: justify;">  There are millions of bacteria around the body.  Immunity protects our body from such dangerous bacteria.  Even under normal circumstances, if a child falls ill early, no child remains ill for a long time due to good immunity.  The immune system of our body depends on food and lifestyle.  A good immune system is essential to keep the body healthy and disease free.


  Our body's immune fighter T cells and macrophages also require regular nutritious diet.  You must have observed that a malnourished child falls ill sooner than a balanced child.  The body needs zinc, iron, selenium, copper, folic acid and vitamins A, B6, C, E micronutrients and anti-oxidants to boost the body's immune system.

  balanced diet:

  To increase the immunity of children, it is necessary to take a balanced diet regularly.  The diet should include plenty of nutritious fruits, vegetables and proteins.


style="text-align: justify;">  To increase the immunity of the body, it is necessary to take the right amount of anti-oxidants.  Anti-oxidants heal the damaged tissues of our body and end old age.  Take medicines containing anti-oxidants and vitamins as per the advice of the doctor.


  Drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day, drinking the right amount of water gives strength to the body and improves digestion.  Water flushes out unnecessary substances from the body.

  exercise or sport

  According to research, children who exercise regularly for 30 to 40 minutes five days a week are 50 to 60% less likely to get sick than other children.  Regular exercise and sports also help control weight and boost immunity.

  16 foods that boost your immune system


style="text-align: justify;">  This is an old folk remedy.  This fruit is loaded with nutrients called antioxidants, and may help fight inflammation.  In some laboratory studies, an extract of the berries inhibited the flu virus.  But scientists caution that more study is needed.  You definitely still need to get an annual flu vaccination!

  button mushroom

  They give you the mineral selenium and the B vitamins riboflavin and niacin.  Which helps you in many ways.  If you're low on selenium, you may be more likely to get the more severe flu.  Riboflavin and niacin play a role in a healthy immune system.

શિક્ષક પર્વની ઉજવણી કરવા બાબત લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર

આ મહિનામાં કયા કયા નિયમો બદલાઈ ગયા છે વાંચો વિગતે અહીંથી

માં કાર્ડ ધારકો માટે સારા સમાચાર !!! સરકારે લીધો આ મોટો નિર્ણય...વાંચો આ ન્યુઝ રિપોર્ટ

પાલનપુર શાળા મર્જ બાબતે લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર અહીથી વાંચો.

  Açai berry

  Its dark color indicates that it is rich in nutrients called anthocyanins.

સરકારી નોકરીમાં રોજમદાર તરીકે કામ કરતા કર્મચારીઓ માટે ખુશીના સમાચાર વાંચો આ ન્યુઝ રિપોર્ટ

  There is no research that shows acai is good for any specific condition.  But in general, antioxidants from foods are an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

સાતમું પગાર પંચ: કર્મચારીઓને મળશે ફરીવાર ગુડ ન્યુઝ વાંચો આ ન્યુઝ રિપોર્ટ

  Enjoy these berries in juice or smoothies, or try them dried and mixed with granola.

ગુડ ન્યુઝ ફાઇનલી ભારતે શોધી નાખી પ્રથમ સ્વદેશી ભારતીય રસી

style="text-align: justify;">  musk

  They have been found to contain zinc, which appears to have some virus-fighting powers.  This is probably because zinc helps make and activate white blood cells involved in the immune response.  It also aids your immune system in functions such as healing wounds.


🔥 *સાઈરામ દવે લાઈવ પ્રોગ્રામ....* આઝાદીના અમૃત મહોત્સવ નિમિતે નિહાળો શ્રી સાઈરામ દવેના કંઠે રાષ્ટ્ર નિર્માતાઓ ને વિરાંજલિ.....

NSP પર આધાર બેઝ KYC વેરિફિકેશન બાબત પરિપત્ર

  It is not only fresh.  When it is ripe, it is also rich in an antioxidant called glutathione.  It strengthens the immune system so it can fight infections.

Digital Gujarat Portal પર ભારત સરકાર શ્રી ની પ્રિમેટ્રિક યોજના અમલ બાબત

  To get the most glutathione in your watermelon, eat the red flesh near the rind.

  wheat germ

NSP પર આધાર બેઝ KYC વેરિફિકેશન બાબત પરિપત્ર

  It is the part of the wheat germ that feeds a baby wheat plant, and it is rich in nutrients.  It's a great way to get zinc, antioxidants, and B vitamins.

કચ્છની અનોખી સ્કુલ નો વિડીયો અહિંથી જુઓ

style="text-align: justify;">IMMUNITY INFO BEST PDF

  Wheat germ provides a good mix of fiber, protein and some healthy fats.  In recipes, you can replace some regular flour with wheat germ.